Annual Dong H Shin, MD, PhD Lecture in Glaucoma

Wednesday 9/18 at the Townsend Hotel in Birmingham MI

Featuring O’Rese J Knight

O'Rese J. Knight, MD is an associate professor of ophthalmology at UCSF School of Medicine where he serves as director of the glaucoma fellowship and director of ophthalmology at the John Muir/UCSF Berkeley Outpatient Clinic. He provides cataract and glaucoma care to patients at UCSF, the San Francisco VAMC, and the Oakland VA Outpatient Clinic.

Dr. Knight is a clinician-scientist focused on developing tools for continuous IOP monitoring which is an unmet need in the clinical management of glaucoma. He was awarded a National Eye Institute K23 Career Development Award which yielded the intial patent for a novel approach to applanation based IOP assessment. Since that time, he has continued to develop the technology and is currently designing the initial prototype. Dr. Knight’s work has been supported by the American Glaucoma Society, the National Science Foundation, UNC School of Medicine, All May See Foundation, and UCSF Innovation Ventures.

Dr. Knight has extensive experience in developing policies and programs to diversify the physician workforce and has been the Co-Director of the Rabb-Venable Pathways to Success Program since 2020. During this time the Pathways to Success Program has successfully mentored 118 of 141 URiM trainees in obtaining ophthalmology residency positions. This represents both an expansion of URiM trainees pursuing ophthalmology positions and a significant improvement in their success.

The Townsend Hotel; Regency Room

100 Townsend St, Birmingham MI 48009