Our services

  • Comprehensive Ophthalmology

    The Comprehensive Ophthalmology Service treats patients with general ocular problems or those desiring a screening evaluation for cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy or macular degeneration. Routine ophthalmic evaluations are provided. Referrals and consultation with subspecialty services at Kresge Eye Institute are available. 

Kresge Eye Institute offers comprehensive medical and surgical diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the eyelids, orbit, conjunctiva, sclera, cornea, anterior chamber, iris and pupil lens, ciliary body, vitreous humor, choroid, retina, optic nerve, and the extraocular muscles.

  • Cataract

    Many eye specialists at Kresge Eye Institute specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of cataracts. They provide advanced patient care by conducting continuous research and the latest technology

  • Cornea and External eye diseases

    Our corneal specialists have earned an exceptional reputation throughout the midwest as leaders in treating disorders that directly and indirectly affect the main refracting element of the eye. These include problems with the eyelid or tear glands, malfunctions that compromise corneal clarity and function, and diseases that cause the cornea to cloud or change shape. Specialists here perform numerous cataract removal surgeries using accepted techniques in combination with progressive procedures. Information retrieved from The National Eye Institute. The National Eye Institute (NEI) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and is the Federal government’s lead agency for vision research that leads to sight-saving treatments and plays a key role in reducing visual impairment and blindness.

  • glaucoma

    Glaucoma has been called the silent thief of vision. It often sneaks up on people with very little warning. By the time symptoms appear, it’s often too late to prevent vision loss. Because glaucoma progresses silently, often without pain, early diagnosis is vital to successful treatment. Specialists here work with sophisticated computerized technologies that scan the optic nerve– the nerve connecting the eye and the brain– for earlier glaucoma diagnosis. They also try to increase public awareness of the disease by organizing free vision screenings for the citizens of the community. Kresge Eye Institute’s specialists treat and perform surgery on thousands of patients annually. Yet, despite the high volume, we strive to make the institute a friendly, comfortable place where each patient is a priority. In keeping with this goal, we are continually looking at ways to improve availability of patient care services to the people of the City of Detroit and its adjoining suburbs.

  • Neuro-Ophthalmology

    Kresge Eye Institute’s Neuro-Ophthalmology Service evaluates patients with neurologic disease resulting in vision loss. They diagnose and manage a large number of conditions, including multiple sclerosis and related visual dysfunction, strokes affecting vision, intracranial pressure, head injury-related visual loss, double vision, and nerve and muscle disease affecting sight. They provide care for patients with neurologic visual loss, and work closely with other subspecialty neurologists and ophthalmologists, neurosurgeons, and neuroradiologists to provide comprehensive medical and surgical treatment. The Neuro-Ophthalmology Service also offers Visual Rehabilitation for patients with peripheral vision loss after stroke or head injury.

  • ophthalmic plastic surgery

    Kresge Eye Institute ophthalmic plastic surgeons can diagnose and treat medical conditions that involve the eyelids, eye socket, tearing system, and facial areas around the eyes. Many such conditions may impair vision or affect the function of the eye. We can help with problems such as eye socket and eyelid tumors, thyroid eye disease, tearing, drooping eyelids or brows, eyelids that are turned in or out and cosmetic issues. Our ophthalmic plastic surgeons also provide treatment for frown lines around the eyes and forehead, “smile lines” and other facial wrinkles and sparse eyelashes using BOTOX®, fillers such as Juvéderm®, and Latisse®.

  • ophthalmic trauma

    Kresge Eye Institute’s ophthalmologists and a team of residents and fellows in training provide around-the-clock comprehensive ophthalmic trauma services and emergency eye care to the greater Detroit area. Services provided include reconstructive procedures of the eyeball, eyelid, eye socket, and tear drainage system. Our team serves the emergency rooms at Detroit Receiving Hospital, Harper University Hospital, Children’s Hospital of Michigan, and Sinai-Grace Hospital.


    Kresge Eye Institute along with the Children’s Hospital of Michigan pediatric ophthalmologists treat children with cataracts, glaucoma, strabismus (crossed eyes), ptosis (drooping eyelid), retinoblastoma (retinal tumors), tumors, congenital eye diseases and vision errors, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. Good vision in childhood is essential to the proper development of vision into adulthood. Kresge cares for children through all phases of diagnosis and treatment, providing testing, the latest diagnostic capabilities and the most advanced medical and surgical treatments available for pediatric eye diseases.