Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship
Kresge Eye Institute/Wayne State University School of Medicine offers 2 year ACGME approved fellowships in ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery. An opening for one position is available each year. Even year fellowships are ASOPRS & ACGME accredited & odd year fellowship is ACGME only. Effective July 1, 2010, this fellowship program has been approved by the ACGME under the supervision of Program Director Evan H. Black, M.D.
The fellowship offers a comprehensive experience in medical and surgical management of oculoplastic and orbital diseases, including:
Trauma and reconstructive surgery
Cosmetic eyelid
Forehead and facial surgery
Eyelid, adnexal and orbital tumors/reconstruction
Graves orbitopathy
Lacrimal disorders
Eyelid malpositions and other related procedures
Fellowship Expectations
Participates in approximately 1000 surgical cases per year
Supervision of residents and medical students in oculoplastics clinics
Attend weekly grand rounds, appropriate components of Kresge Eye Institute’s extensive didactic program
Supervised cadaver orbital and eyelid dissections
Attend oculoplastics journal club, and more.
There are additional rotations in which the fellow participates including dermatology, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, neuroradiology, and otolaryngology.
Applications are accepted only through the San Francisco Match. Required documents on the SF Match Application include:
Medical school transcript and Dean’s Letter
Three letters of recommendation (one from residency program director)
Personal statement (one page maximum, single spaced)
Curriculum Vitae, including publications, presentations, research/grant experience, honors/awards, teaching experience, etc.
For additional information, please email iciungan@med.wayne.edu.